Residence Rights for International Graduates and Employment in the FrankfurtRheinMain Metropolitan Region [online]

Datum und Uhrzeit
14:30 - 15:45

Workshop des Career Service der Goethe-Universität. 

Almost there – you will soon have completed your degree or PhD and would like to find a good job in Germany or you are still in the middle of your degree or PhD and just want to know how to proceed after graduating. In addition, you are interested in how the job market in Frankfurt and the Rhine-Main region works. In this workshop, you will learn about the most important aspects of a job-seeking permit after graduating. At the end of the workshop, former international students will report on finding a job in Germany and answer your questions.

Competence objectives

  • Participants know about the legal basis for finding a job and taking up employment after graduation.
  • Participants know about the application procedure in Germany and gain a rough insight into the job market in the Rhine-Main Region.


  • Information on all kinds of residence permits for the purpose of work after graduating and the options for residing long-term in Germany
  • Strategies for looking and applying for jobs in Germany and a brief insight into the structure of the job market and the sectors in the Rhine-Main region


  • Input, presentations
  • Discussion, case studies, Q&A


Jörg Hiemer, Ausländerbehörde Frankfurt am Main

Khaled Fakha, FRM International Office, Regionalverband FrankfurtRheinMain


Der Workshop richtet sich an alle internationalen Studierende der Goethe-Universität.

Teilnehmendenzahl: max. 30 Teilnehmende
Zeit: 14:30 – 15:45 Uhr
Ort: Dieser Workshop wird als Online-Seminar über Zoom angeboten. Den Link zur Teilnahme an dem Zoom-Meeting erhaltet ihr nach Eurer Anmeldung über das Kompass³-Programm eine Woche vor Beginn der Veranstaltung.

Hinweis: Eine Teilnahmebescheinigung wird nur bei einer Anwesenheit von mindestens 75% ausgestellt (dafür muss z.B. die Kamera aktiv sein und Sie müssen sich aktiv beteiligen).

Interesse? Dann melde dich hier an!


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