Reading for Natural Scientists

Datum und Uhrzeit
08.05.2018 - 22.05.2018
13:00 - 16:00

This is an Event of the „Frankfurter Akademischen Schlüsselkompetenz-Trainings“

First we look at the kinds of texts that we read and the reading strategies that we use. A practical approach to reading texts in English is introduced and we apply it to short texts from relevant fields. The approach focuses on 4 reading phases: preparation, scanning, skimming and reading for detail. The goal of the workshop is to help participants improve as conscious readers who can recognize the structure of texts, identify key elements and read intensely where it counts most.

*For Natural Scientists only

What do you need?
Upper intermediate English or better (CEFR B1 – B2)

When and where?
May 08, 15 & 22 2018, 13:00 to 16:00, Campus Riedberg, OSZ S1

Maximum number of participants: 20

Interested? Than Register here via OLAT!


Studientechniken & Sprache

Studientechniken & Sprache