Reading academic texts in English? No Problem (2-tägig)

Datum und Uhrzeit
22.06.2017 - 29.06.2017
13:00 - 16:00

Eine Veranstaltung des Frankfurter Akademischen Schlüsselkompetenz-Trainings.
Referent: Paul Abbott

An academic text is a puzzle, especially when it’s written in a foreign language.
To read it effectively, apply your puzzling skills. In this workshop we practice a
phase-based approach to reading academic texts in English. First we identify
the context in which we meet a text and make predictions. Then we test our
predictions by first skimming relevant sections and selectively reading specific
passages. We reflect on our results and adjust our predictions. Helpful templates
for prominent types of texts are reviewed and applied in reading exercises.
Along the way we consider comprehension strategies for specific words.
The goal of the workshop is to help you read faster and comprehend more
when working with academic texts in English.

Teilnehmer: max. 20 Teilnehmer

Interesse? Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung findest du hier.

Ort: Campus Westend, Seminarhaus SH 5.108


Studientechniken & Sprache

Studientechniken & Sprache