Present Like a Pro: Improve your Public Speaking Skills

Datum und Uhrzeit
9:00 - 17:00

Ein Workshop des Kompass³-Programms. Referent: Andrew Cerniski, English Inc.

Presenting can be exhilarating and can also create anxiety. The goal of this workshop is to help you experience more of the former and less of the latter, in particular when addressing a group in English as a non-native speaker. We’ll focus on starting and ending your talk strongly, sustaining interest, moving through your material smoothly, projecting confidence and authenticity and dealing effectively with audience questions, including challenging ones.
For our workshop, please bring in four or five presentation slides in English on any topic(s). We’ll use these slides as material on which to practice various techniques and useful vocabu-lary. You can take slides from past presentations you’ve given, or you can create new ones for our workshop. They can all be from one presentation or they can be from a number of different ones. Please bring them with you as print-outs (one per page) and also saved in a single PowerPoint file on a USB stick.

Participants: Max. 25 participants

Interested? Hier klicken für mehr Informationen und Anmeldung!

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main/Campus Westend
Room: Seminarhaus, SH 3.105
60629 Frankfurt am Main


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