Interviews and Applications for Natural Scientists

Datum und Uhrzeit
28.08.2018 - 30.08.2018
13:00 - 17:00

This is an Event of the „Frankfurter Akademischen Schlüsselkompetenz-Trainings“

„So why exactly did you study _______________ (enter your major)?”

You can answer this question well in German. You can probably do it in English also. But what about answering it convincingly in English during an interview with 2 professors for an attractive internship at a leading research center?

It helps to practice in advance. In this workshop first we review standards for CVs and related documentation. Then we go over question formats and types, and outline appropriate responses. Finally we simulate interviews for attractive internships at leading research centers.

*For Natural Scientists only

What do you need?
Upper intermediate English or better (CEFR B1 – B2)

When and where?
August 28, 29 & 30 2018, 13:00 to 17:00, Campus Riedberg, OSZ S1

Maximum number of participants: 20

Interested? Than Register here via OLAT!


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