English Reading Club (6x)

Datum und Uhrzeit
19.04.2018 - 06.09.2018
14:00 - 16:00

This is an Event of the „Frankfurter Akademischen Schlüsselkompetenz-Trainings“.

Would you like to talk about recent events in English? Then come to the English
Reading Club. We read compact articles form websites and print media
and discuss their relevance for us. The goal is to keep your English fresh and
flowing – and you are sure to get a chance to express a specific opinion in English
for the first time, and argue for it.

Dates and Time:
19. April, 18. May, 14. June, 12. July, 09. August, 06. September 2018 (always at: 14:00 – 16:00 s.t.)

Place: SH 5.108 (18.05. IG 454, 14.06. SH 3.103) (Campus Westend)

Interested? Than Register here!


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